Wednesday, August 26, 2015

WK4 RISE Self Evaluation

Portfolio Subject Media Needs

Does the portfolio subject currently make use of media? If so, what formats does it use, and what purpose do these media formats serve?
Sharlen is currently not making use of media.
In your view, is the subject making optimal use of its current media? If not, how could its media use be improved upon?
The Sharlene has not making optimal use of media in any way. I believe that the use of media can be improved upon by making social media platforms and brainstorm on ways to have the the viewers and audience interact.
In your view, are there media formats that would be beneficial for the subject is not currently making use of that would beneficial to them in some way? If so, what media formats would you recommend, and what benefit do you see these offering the subject?
I would recommend the social media platform. By making a good hashtag slogan for the audience members to give a brief word of inspiration or advice. Another possibility can be a way to have the audience speak of their testimonies through making a brief video through instagram or youtube. Twitter would be a good platform for inspiration from other women or men who have recently conquered and obstacle.
Based on your responses to questions 2 and 3, what resources would be needed in order for the subject to improve its current media (as addressed in question #2 above), or adopt media formats (per question #3)?

I believe the subject needs to raise funds in order to develop its logo and website so anyone interested in her journey and adventure can read up on. Overall, just have a homebase where any information can be found regarding Sharlene. Also, needs to find a financial advisor that can help her budget out the essentials and partnerships that she needs to move forward with her vision.

Sunday, August 16, 2015

AET Practice: Adding and Removing Elements

For this assignment I took away the Statue of Liberty and the Hollywood sign. As for the duck, I had him travel to Japan. He loved his trip.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Portfolio Subject Selection

  • What is the name or title of your subject?
My subject’s name is Sharlene Ogando.
  • What is the nature of the subject? Provide a description or bio.
The nature of Sharlene is very outgoing. Very personable and always willing to lend a helping hand. She was born and raised with a single mother and hopes to show the world that you can make it and follow your dreams no matter how tough your situation may seem. Sharlene loves being a talk show host/ media personality.
  • What is the subject’s main purpose or goal?
Sharlene’s main purpose and goal is to interview people who have pushed through a tough time and overcome any obstacles the person has faced in their life time. The obstacles could be any size for large to small.
  • What are the subject’s core values?
Sharlene’s core value consist of Love, Faith and good Relationships. She believes that these 3 things equal triumph and success.
  • Does the subject have any specific symbols or logos?
The subject does not have any specific symbols or logos but feels that if she needs to brand herself she will come up with one soon.
  • Is the subject associated with any particular color or color?
One of the future colors that will be associated with is Blue.

Target Audience:
The audience is mainly within the United States of America. Also, can be widely distributed based on the faith. The audience tends to consist of Hispanic/Latino people. The audience tends to consists more of women. The typical age range is 25-35. The audience can range from being married, single to divorced because this is speaking on testimonies of all kinds of situations. Which also means the target audience can be in relation with any income level. The level of education will definitely be high school diploma or higher. There hobbies can be reading watching documentaries, listening to life coaches  and interested in others life stories, skills and qualities to having a better life.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

AET Practice: Working with Color

Here are the original photos before I changed the colors:

Here are the photos changed in Photoshop:

Monday, August 10, 2015

Exploring Your Professional Goals

Professional Interests:
When I think about my dream job I envision myself very successful and happy. If I could hold any job it would be a talk show host. I would absolutely love to be a talk show host. What appeals to me the most about being a talk show host is that time you get with your audience, what new information you will share next and the kind of relief you will provide for them. Whether it is laughter or advice. This job involves serious interpersonal skills, excellent verbal and physical communication and overall a stunning, relatable, likeable personality. A professional talk show host would carry out various activities day to day. They can go searching for the next thing that people need to be aware about and figure out how to help, or find some information that can benefit others and definitely thinking about what message they want to send to their audience. A lot of inspiration for this work comes from Oprah Winfrey and Steve Harvey. Right now I have my eyes on Steve. I love that he is very personable and keeps it real all the time. I admire that he is a man of his word and a man of family. He and his wife have an organization that helps kids grow into becoming amazing young adults. What I have found impressive is the amount of young kids that he and his wife mentor. They came onto the show to express their gratitude on his birthday. WHen these kids were talking they spoke loud, clear with confidence. You can tell just by the body language that they had a good head on their shoulders and were going to move on to better things. Here is a video to the gathering of steve and some of his students: Steve Harvey Surprise Guest What I love most about Steve’s work is the passion. He loves what he does and he uses it to help others all the time. His show even has a segment where you can “ask steve”. He is a big guy full of love and wanting to spread that message. Lastly, I love his work quality is seen through his consistency and I hope to be that way and even better in my future.

Mission Statement:
I am very young. I have to say I have not found the one thing that is most important to me in my personal life or professional life being that I have not started the professional side just yet. Although from my experiences growing up I realized love conquers all. When I say love I am speaking about all kinds of relationships. Whether it is with your mother, father, husband, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend etc. The only way to get through and climb up is to build relationships and the foundation of a relationship is love. Love is what helps build, involve and drive. It sure can drive you crazy but it can also open doors for you as well. I have always been able to identify myself very well to others. I am confident, independent and very self-motivated. I would have to say about 90 percent of that comes from my mother. From shelters to welfare, to not having a baby sitter and attending her college classes and assisting her at work at the Waldorf in New York City. I always thought I had seen it all and been there, the truth is I went through it second hand I never felt the pressures of life. I find these characteristics, personality traits and attitude comes alive when I am going after something I want, need or anything that needs to be done. It has made me who I am today. The media industry inspires me a lot. Something new is always coming along and you can never guess what will happen after your lunch break to next week, which is the way I lived my life with my mother on the edge or waiting for the waves to come so that we can jump over them. Its exciting to be put to the test because in my eyes it only means you are ready to move forward. I dream of having my own television network and talk show, I know I can get there. One thing I do know is that I cannot get there on my own, I need to network and meet people in my life that can I can grow with, people I can learn from and help teach. I hope one day I am able to share with my studio audience or employees the great value in love and building relationships.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Self-Evaluation

Week 4 Reflection: RISE Peer Feedback

My Peer Review was for Micah Thomas:

Reflect: I related to your story very well. I myself am working very hard to help out my family as well. I also jumped from job to job because I felt like it wasn’t good enough or it just got old to me or unfair. I definitely understand,  going into this field as well. You have a lot of options as a student going into media communications.

Inquire: When you said you had moved a couple of times to restart your life, what were you trying to communicate with your audience? What was the message in that statement? How did the picture you provide show what you were trying to portray?

Suggest: You might want to consider being more specific with your pictures. after speaking over an image into another part of your life can distract your viewer. You might want to continue engaging the eye as you do with the ears when the viewer is listening to your voice. Always keep in mind some viewers are better with their visuals than listening.

Elevate: Continue to express yourself with your words. It sounds great and you really tell a story. But now, its time to expand on your visuals. I suggest adding in more pictures. Pictures that are more specific and detailed into what you’re saying and feeling. Not just plain images, images that without much words can capture what you are trying to say.

Week 3 Project: Digital Storytelling with Mobile Devices Challenge

The team collectively used Apple products which made it very easy to transfer and send videos and information. Sharlene used: her Ipad and the IMovie App. The Iphone was used to take footage of her everyday life and confessionals. As for the IMovie app sharlene used it for inputting the soundtrack and voice overs. Natasha Used her Iphone 5s as well. She used her phone to create the videos and confessionals. The Imovie app was used to input the videos and edit/trim her videos. Natasha also used the voice memo for speaking parts of the project. Lastly, Micah used the IMovie app along with his Iphone as well. The phone was also used to create videos like the other team members. The IMovie app was used to engineer certain clips together and add fading transitions between videos. Collectively, all team members used google drive and gmail (via mobile device) to send finished products to the video engineer (Micah) to piece the video together.

My role in the team was being the sound engineer. I contributed my ideas as well as footage to complete the story to our video. Also, I contributed my voice as the narrator for the project as well. What surprised me was that everything had to be mobile, I didn’t like that very much once I went further into my project. I am most proud of being able to edit and trim my videos on a mobile app. Ultimately, yes, this was indeed a challenge. I was so restricted and out of my comfort zone. I was used to using a laptop that involved more features and more leg room so to speak. This project was definitely a challenge.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Week 3 Practice: Shot List

*alarm ringing really loud*
Footage falling off the bed
Being promoted to my management position is a lot more time consuming
Footage at work opening the store
Footage Counting money
Sometimes there isn’t enough time to put a lot of effort into my work getting things done around the house
Show how time has passed so quickly on clock
and footage of Boston ( the dog) tripping me while I do chores
Having excellent time management is always key for the career I want to be in
Show footage of FSO platform saying all activities are due By 11:59 and show the due date
having to stay up on takes and assignments puts a lot of pressure on your time
Footage of messages going back and forth between students working on project
Its hard to go on day by day in a new place where you don’t know anyone
Footage in household alone
thankfully I get the privilege of working with others who are going towards the same goal as me
Show online students in class section

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Week 3 Practice: Team Organization

Team 3 Script
Week 3 Challenge

Each team member contributed in a section of this video along with a voiceover in closing.

Opening shots 10-15 secs
Cinematic shots from each contributor setting the story flow of online students preparing to deal with challenges of learning online amidst various schedules.

It's easy to decide what you want.
It's not always easy to see how to get there.  
Taking it day by day can be an excuse or a plan.  
We've decided what we want
but finding the way to do well in our pursuit is sometimes challenging.
These are the stories of tomorrow's leaders working the process today.
Strategizing, adjusting, overcoming, succeeding
Fade to black

Section 1 followed Sharlene's journey to her degree as she deals with a hectic schedule. She's delivers a fun, faster paced, and sometimes comical review of a normal day trying to make Full Sail a priority.

Section 2 follows Natasha as she follows her career path for a new addition to her life. She speaks of her professional goals and how full sail is helping her reach those. She is challenging herself to do her best and committed to online learning in spite of her life preparation.

Section 3 follows Micah as he delivers a heartfelt and moving story of his challenges in managing a large family, a busy management work schedule, and keeping a high grade average in school.

Final 30 seconds of video include more cinematic shots that are overlaid by a voiceover from each contributor that concludes our film in an encouraging note.

Micah Thomas- Team leader, lead writer, and video editor, strategist
Sharlene Ogando-  Audio engineer, strategist,

Natasha Williams- Documentarian, main strategist

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Week 3 Analysis: Business and Audiovisual Media

This Full Sail video is a great recruitment tool. It was so good it made me want to sign up all over again and this time stay on campus. Unfortunately, I am not able to enjoy the whole campus and facility and be more hands on with the technology that is available. The question is, is there a story? Personally I don’t think there is a story here. In the video there is more of a creation of a dream trying to be painted into the viewer’s eyes. Which is why it is a great recruitment tool. The video showed all the ways you can learn, what they had to offer to help learn as well as they showed how fun learning can be at Full Sail. Ultimately, I did not see a story I saw a great environment I wanted to be apart of.
This Dollar Shave Club video is really funny. This video uses humor and real life situations not only announce its new product, also to sell it as well. I have to say, I don’t see a story here as well. I see more random situations some in relation to real life and some that are random like the bear in the toilet. The real life situations and explaining the difficulties in wiping your butt with dry paper showed how useful the wipes could be in any situation. ultimately, that leads into the result of someone buying the wipes because they do not want to spend all that time in the bathroom.
The Science World video did a good job of making their video. The video showcased all parts of the facility showing off how big and spacious the whole place really is. I believe they did a great job at showing the facility in the video. Having the people in the background having fun was great it gave a sense of happiness that people look forward to seeing. Having the people in the background especially employees was a great idea they definitely used that in the video to invite patrons over to the museum. It will cause the possible patrons to expect high energy people and a great time learning about science!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Week 3 Exploration: Mobile App Review

My video is not 8 minutes long. I could not get it to cut down for some reason this time. I am not too tech savvy just yet! I couldn't figure out what I did last time that made it shorter?... I will figure it out!!

I Fixed it! Here is my video cut in half! I Had to set a blade at the end of the video to show where it needs to stop.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Week 2 Analysis: Businesses & The Visual Web

Full Sail Response:
The visual content shown on Full Sail’s Pinterest are a lot of pictures related to their university. They display student work, alumni work featured in major projects, their campus, degree programs, the campus and also popular places around the campus. Secondly, it supports the Full Sail brand because it is speaking directly about the Full Sail brand. Users of Pinterest will learn about the campus, what the degree programs look like and what kind of work the students do and what they get into. It Helps because they attract their audience with the visual facts of their environment. Lastly, Full Sail engages with their audience  in this medium by providing visuals. These visuals help inform the reader on what “Full Sail” is about. They mention exciting news and events that go on in their everyday environment.
Dollar Shave Club Response:
The Dollar Shave Club Shares many pictures of their product. Their pictures display their products with funny quotes. Along with pictures there are a few videos displaying the product and the product’s promotion.Secondly, the content found on Instagram support the Dollar shave Club brand with its display. the products are displayed in a nice scenery where anyone would want to be. The content also supports the brand because  the brand promotes happy shaving, on their brand is always a funny quote. As a result of the Dollar Shave Club’s funny quotes all over their products, Instagram users are engaged with the product. Laughter and comedy is the best remedy for everything. The use of nice background scenery in their pictures and comedy brings in a happy captive audience ready to see what next.
Science World Response:

The visual content shared on Facebook is mostly videos accompanied my pictures with article links. The video content can vary from myth busting science to facts that are not well known and interesting experiments.This content supports the Science World brand in which the information relayed through social media shows the kind of information given in the museum and more. The kind of content shared makes the audience wonder about other things in relation to the content. Also, it raises questions that the audience wants answered, which through the promotion of all this cool, quirky information the brand is then recognized as credible source.The way Science world engages their audience is through their funny informational videos or videos of funny experiments. Science World, does this by finding information that is not so common in hearing on a day to day basis, which intrigues the audience into wanting to learn more.

Week 2 Practice: Voice Over

Week 2 Exploration: Storyboard

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Week 2 Practice: Visual Communication

This is my strategy Popplet. I will be going clockwise speaking about the pictures chosen. The top middle picture was chosen because when you plan and strategize the end result is success because you know where you are going. With the picture on the right, you notice one chess piece more in focus and the opposing team is fuzzed out. This shows how you will be standing alone most of the time and you need to learn how to strategize in a way where you learn how to overcome and work your way around obstacles. As for the picture at the bottom I chose that picture because, plans and/or strategies are never full proof. You need to always have a back up plan incase some part of your strategy/plan fails. Lastly, for the final picture I chose this group of army men because the picture shows them working together. With this picture I wanted to send a message showing that the more input you have from other on strategizing and planning the better your plan/strategy can be because it is coming from different points of view and experiences. This results in a more successful outcome.

Here are my other two Popplets:

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Week 1 Project: My MCBS Story

Before I started the MCBS Program I was modeling for a while. I loved being able to send messages through all forms of art. I had always thought I wanted to be a singer, or model or owner of a business. One of my dreams - besides being a singer- was to become a Victoria Secret model. I wanted to study business and create a residual income for my family and eventually franchise it. But then, my senior year in High School came along, and I was not too sure that I wanted to study business especially since I hate math. Oh how I hated math. Because of that, I started really analyzing what kind of person I am and what I like to do and what comes natural to me. I took the time out to look back on what I did with my spare time and the things I like to do as a person. I took notice on the fact that I was the president of my High School for two years in a row, I always hosted the school talent shows, and I was always chosen to be my schools representative since middle school for evens involving the Board of Education. Besides being a singer I knew I ultimately wanted to be on television. As a result of that I told my mom what conclusions I had come to. I am a huge people person, outgoing, always in front and center, love participating in anything new and I am a good writer as well. Finally, my mother recommended I go into journalism/communications since I love anything broadcast/media (television/radio) related and I find people, new things and experiences so interesting. She told me it was a career she wanted to pursue but never got the chance to because she need to provide for me. A huge part of my inspiration for my career is to make my mother proud and show her anything can be done and I will move forward in my communications career. Ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media communications. Since then, I have developed goals to achieve. I will Intern, network, work on a television/radio show, land my own television show resulting in having my own personal television network. Over all, my plan is to stay humble and help others throughout my success. Ultimately, I will create a ministry to spread the gospel and word of God Jehovah and the Lord Jesus, and spread the message of love throughout the world!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Week 1 Analysis: Businesses & Blogs

  1. The three blogs all have information available for the customer or client. They have a colorful engaging background creating an online visibility and presence. The Science World and Dollar Shave Club blogs have many articles people can read that also promote news and events. FullSail does promoting but, more of their own success with information that will only help the customer know about the impact of their service not how it works or how it can help them. The Dollar Shave Club and Full Sail blogs are similar in which they both show programs they provide. That gives the consumer knowledge on what their reading or looking for. They're different from science world in which Science World Blog offers tickets to show what they have to offer and be apart of instantly. Hands on experiences are great! The Science World and Full Sail blogs are alike in which they display a lot of their credibility with past events and have a search engine within the page to be able to search anything you need to within the blog. Dollar Shave Club is different because they do not have a search engine but do support a home tab with different sections. What I believe makes Science World unique is the way they can attract a customer through curiosity in science. They ask engaging questions throughout the site that makes you want to click and read more to find out more about it. What I believe makes the Full Sail blog unique is their confidence in their credibility and how proud they are of their alumni. By going through the blog Full Sail likes to advertise their students accomplishments to show what they can help you achieve which, in return will lead students to want to be apart of that success. Ultimately, what I believe makes the Dollar Shave Club unique is how rich they are in random quirkiness. I love the interesting articles they have. Also they have very good first sentence's that want to make you read more. Unfortunately, for me I feel like Dollar Shave Club does not promote its background and story as much, but they still definitely build an online presence just like the Science World and Full Sail blog. Just not as much visibility. 

Week1Practice: RSS & Industry Blogs

For this weeks practice assignment I followed 3 students. I also found 3 professional media industry related blogs as requested. The three blogs I chose are all a bit different but all have something in common. Those three professional blogs provide me with updates on the industry and give me tips on communicating. I chose to follow blogs like that because I am just now getting into this major and I would love to know the latest on do's and don'ts or what is trending, especially from different points of view. I decided to follow Julio in his "Midnight Hour" because when I read his story it appealed to me and we have somewhat the same goals. I followed Micah's blog because it was very inspiring and his motivation to provide for his family reminds me of my mothers passion to never give up in her struggles. Lastly, I decided to follow Lindsey's blog because she and I have the same interests in media. We are both big on fashion which is always great and I would love to see her world of fashion along with other topics as well.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Week 1 Exploration: Tool Review

Week 1 Practice: Start a Blog & Tell a Story

Before I started the MCBS Program I was modeling for a while. I love being able to send messages through all kinds of form of art. I had always thought I wanted to be a singer, or model or owner of a business. But then, my senior year in High School came along, and I was not too sure that I wanted to study business especially since I hate math. Because of that, I started really analyzing what kind of person I am and what I like to do and what comes natural to me. Because of that, I noticed I was the president of my High School for two years straight, I always hosted the school talent shows, and I was also chosen to be my schools representative since middle school. Because of that, I told my mom what conclusions I had come to, which was being a huge people person, outgoing and always in front and center. Until finally, my mother recommended I go into journalism/ communications since I love anything broadcast/media related and I find people, new things and experiences so interesting. Ever since I decided to pursue my passion for media, I have really been working on what kind of professional I want to be and what is the over all message I want to send out.