Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Portfolio Subject Media Needs

Does the portfolio subject currently make use of media? If so, what formats does it use, and what purpose do these media formats serve?
Sharlen is currently not making use of media.
In your view, is the subject making optimal use of its current media? If not, how could its media use be improved upon?
The Sharlene has not making optimal use of media in any way. I believe that the use of media can be improved upon by making social media platforms and brainstorm on ways to have the the viewers and audience interact.
In your view, are there media formats that would be beneficial for the subject is not currently making use of that would beneficial to them in some way? If so, what media formats would you recommend, and what benefit do you see these offering the subject?
I would recommend the social media platform. By making a good hashtag slogan for the audience members to give a brief word of inspiration or advice. Another possibility can be a way to have the audience speak of their testimonies through making a brief video through instagram or youtube. Twitter would be a good platform for inspiration from other women or men who have recently conquered and obstacle.
Based on your responses to questions 2 and 3, what resources would be needed in order for the subject to improve its current media (as addressed in question #2 above), or adopt media formats (per question #3)?

I believe the subject needs to raise funds in order to develop its logo and website so anyone interested in her journey and adventure can read up on. Overall, just have a homebase where any information can be found regarding Sharlene. Also, needs to find a financial advisor that can help her budget out the essentials and partnerships that she needs to move forward with her vision.

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