Thursday, July 16, 2015

Week 2 Analysis: Businesses & The Visual Web

Full Sail Response:
The visual content shown on Full Sail’s Pinterest are a lot of pictures related to their university. They display student work, alumni work featured in major projects, their campus, degree programs, the campus and also popular places around the campus. Secondly, it supports the Full Sail brand because it is speaking directly about the Full Sail brand. Users of Pinterest will learn about the campus, what the degree programs look like and what kind of work the students do and what they get into. It Helps because they attract their audience with the visual facts of their environment. Lastly, Full Sail engages with their audience  in this medium by providing visuals. These visuals help inform the reader on what “Full Sail” is about. They mention exciting news and events that go on in their everyday environment.
Dollar Shave Club Response:
The Dollar Shave Club Shares many pictures of their product. Their pictures display their products with funny quotes. Along with pictures there are a few videos displaying the product and the product’s promotion.Secondly, the content found on Instagram support the Dollar shave Club brand with its display. the products are displayed in a nice scenery where anyone would want to be. The content also supports the brand because  the brand promotes happy shaving, on their brand is always a funny quote. As a result of the Dollar Shave Club’s funny quotes all over their products, Instagram users are engaged with the product. Laughter and comedy is the best remedy for everything. The use of nice background scenery in their pictures and comedy brings in a happy captive audience ready to see what next.
Science World Response:

The visual content shared on Facebook is mostly videos accompanied my pictures with article links. The video content can vary from myth busting science to facts that are not well known and interesting experiments.This content supports the Science World brand in which the information relayed through social media shows the kind of information given in the museum and more. The kind of content shared makes the audience wonder about other things in relation to the content. Also, it raises questions that the audience wants answered, which through the promotion of all this cool, quirky information the brand is then recognized as credible source.The way Science world engages their audience is through their funny informational videos or videos of funny experiments. Science World, does this by finding information that is not so common in hearing on a day to day basis, which intrigues the audience into wanting to learn more.

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